It is really quite simple, as an expert selling your time, your income is limited to the number of hours that you do.
If however you can take your skill, knowledge and experience and turn them into digital products and programs, to train and coach others, then you can generate recurring revenue and serve many more clients. This will allow you to achieve the work/life balance you need.
So you create your training course, when people sign up for your course, they get access to your slides, videos, webinars, forums and in some cases access to you for one-to-one coaching. Jigsawbox provides all of this functionality in one place. If you have the content, then creating and delivering this to users is easy. Even if you have to create the content, Jigsawbox allows you to do so in a way your customers want.
So you create your training course, when people sign up for your course, they get access to your slides, videos, webinars, forums and in some cases access to you for one-to-one coaching. Jigsawbox provides all of this functionality in one place. If you have the content, then creating and delivering this to users is easy. Even if you have to create the content, Jigsawbox allows you to do so in a way your customers want.
There is a webinar coming up soon, why not join us so that we can explain how you can turn yourself into products.
One hundred and twenty-five thousand coaches uses Jigsawbox and it works just as well for experts in fashion, retail and merchandising as it does for other coaches.
It is a complete platform to manage content and clients, its simple to use and lets you use your content in multiple ways.
Change from selling your time to selling your knowledge and expertise.
Change from selling your time to selling your knowledge and expertise.
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