
The EU 28 are moving forward making it easier for eCommerce businesses to compete in cross-border eCommerce and for consumers to be able to participate in eCommerce across the entire EU.

The paper is here.

The EU cross-border opportunity for UK businesses is huge and the UK is leading in eCommerce in many ways, in single brands such as Burberry or Superdry, in multi-channel retailers such as House of Fraser or Debenhams, in pureplay online like Net-a-Porter and Mr Porter and marketplaces such as ASOS marketplace. 

The paper lays out these recommendations on Consumer Rights

1. Fully harmonize legal framework for the sale of goods, services and digital content
2. Simplify consumer rules so that they can easily be understood by both consumers and SMEs
3. Develop a standard information form on consumer rights and obligations which is simplified and fit for easy adaption in all means of electronic communication
4. Stimulate the use of Rome I as a last resort and safeguard for consumers by explaining it in a consistent and uniform way 
5. Evaluate the Consumer Rights Directive rapidly 
6. Support for industry-led Trustmark
schemes for B2C e-commerce 
7. Fast rollout of a common European online Complaint and Dispute Resolution system ensuring a basis to solve crossborder B2C disputes in a simple, fast and low cost way
8. Reconsider the means for European contract law in case full harmonization will not be realised.
9. Harmonize privacy and data protection
legislation while recognizing the potential of innovation 
10. Recognize the need for electronic communication and the possibilities of data driven marketing in the business model of online merchants
11. Move forward with e-identification and authentication

Removing these barriers will help the UK lead in eCommerce.
