

So as App's are everywhere from your phone to your TV and soon to be your fridge, I wondered what would be the requirements list for an anti-fraud and better buying application would be to run on your futuristic communications device to use either at home or mobile. The objective of the app would be to aid, inform and warn the user against fraud or bad buying decisions.

So my assumption is that there are no technology limitations, what are the requirements for the ultimate Anti-Fraud and Better Buying Application?

Technical Components
  • Voice recognition and comparison to known fraudsters and spammers whilst in the call
  • Voice emotion detection with on screen prompts like the caller is angry
  • Lie detection with on screen prompts
  • GPS/IP GEOLocation of the speaker are they where they say they are
  • Sweat detection from the earlobe of the caller for lie detection
  • Timezone recognition the caller is in
  • Business/person marked as spam or fraud by others
  • Review of information available on the company and caller during the call with information presented to the screen
  • Conferences in third party (family) for decision points
  • Smell - off-putting smell that users connect with would be output from the communication device for risky actions
  • Don't hold the device to your ear, so you can use the screen real estate
  • Ability for callers to send an in-call prompt onto the receivers screen to gain feedback during the call like options  "I'm Interested" "I'm Bored and hanging up in 5 seconds" "I'm bored but too polite to hang up"
  • App prompts the buyer for a review afterwards delivery to get feedback and share knowledge with other app users
  • Prompt on handing over Personal Identifiable Information at this point when you dont known them e.g say I have some kids, rather than breaking it down at this point with kids by date-of-birth, by call type for example DOB or age may be required quite early in a travel booking.
  • Prompt on 
  • As 3rd parties join the call then they could silently 
  • Validation of information sources like Search Engine ranking, cert on website feedback from consumers in forums, prompting to challenge seller on negative feedback displayed to receiver of the call

Users would say - like having your Dad on the call!

How it works: Better Buying

User needs to look at the screen whilst listening to or viewing the call:

As the conversation proceeds the application put up prompts, questions, suggestions on the screen for the receiver to read, acknowledge or choose. 

The system would prompt the caller for information it cannot generate itself, like

Question: Is this call about PRODUCT SERVICE or INVESTMENT?

User touches the relevant button.

Validations occur as caller details are presented for the receiver to validate:

Information: The caller is in London, is not on a known fraudsters voice recognition list and has not been on a voice recognition spam list.

As the user responds to questions from the caller then warnings appear like

WARNING: Confirm if married with children but not names date of birth or ages at this stage

Question: Are you interested in this product or service?

If Yes will look for information to negogtiate with.

The call continues:

Information: Things to mention their user rating is 90%+, forums mention mention many delivery problems and this provider is running a better promotion for existing users than they are offering you.

The caller may put some prompts onto the screen for the receiver to touch 

Request for Feedback to Caller"I'm Interested" "I'm bored but too polite to hang up" "I need you to hurry up" which would be chosen by the receiver and fed back to the caller.

The call continues: 

Information: Ensure you ask about cancellation policy, privacy policy and the total cost.

The call continues as it nears a decision point a predefined third-party is asked to join the call. 
The third-party can either see a text summary of the call so far or play a recording of the call so far.
The caller and receiver are notified about the third party as they join the call

A Decision point summary is displayed to the receiver and the third-party on the screen:

Fraud Summary
They are who they say they are - 97%
They can supply the product service or investment they are selling - 95%
Maximum Potential loss £134.56  (includes purchase cost, time costs, reputation liability, identity theft recovery)
Risk of being fraudulent 5%
Caller Truth Probability 93%

Buying Summary

Financial Commitment
This purchase represents 10% of your monthly disposable income
This investment represents 50% of your current available investment funds

If you proceed with this purchase you should consider cancelling order placed yesterday for similar value for a different item to keep to your entertainment budget for this month.

Buyers Remorse

Of similar decions by other users, 5% of other users who made a decsion to proceed regeretted it.
Of similar decions by other users, 10% of users who made a decsion not to proceed regretted it. 

Question: Are you going to place an order?

If Yes then after the call and product/service is delivered the user is prompted to record any service issues etc. to feed into others feedback via the app.

A recording of the call is available so that any promises made during the call can easily be replayed to the supplier if the service promise was not delivered.

How it works: Fraud

User needs to look at the screen whilst listening to or viewing the call:

As the conversation proceeds the application prompts the user for information it cannot generate itself, like

Question: Is this call about PRODUCT SERVICE or INVESTMENT?

Validations occur as caller details are presented for the receiver to validate:

Warning: The caller is in not in location specified by voice and is on a known fraudsters voice recognition list 

As the user responds to questions from the caller then warnings appear like

WARNING: Confirm if married with children but not names date of birth or ages at this stage

Question Are you interested in this product or service?

If Yes will look for information to negogtiate with

The call continues:

Information: Things to mention their are many reported problems with cancellation and customer service.

The call continues as it nears a decision point a predefined third-party is asked to join the call. 
The third-party can either see a text summary of the call so far or play a recording of the call so far.
The caller and receiver are notified about the third party as they join the call

Decision point summary:

Fraud Summary
They are who they say they are - 97%
They can supply the product service or investment they are selling - 15%
Maximum Potential loss £534.56  (includes time costs, liability, identity theft recovery)
Risk of being fraudulent 79%
Caller Truth Probability 13%

Buying Summary

Financial Commitment
This purchase represents 10% of your monthly disposable income
This investment represents 50% of your current available investment funds

If you proceed with this purchase you should consider cancelling order placed yesterday for similar value

Buyers Remorse
Similar decions by other users 90% of other users who made a decsion to proceed regeretted it 
1% of users who made a decsion not to proceed regretted it (not as many as people as sales people will say!)

The summary is presented to the user at the decision point, a bad smell would eminate from the phone to re-inforce the decsion.

In addition the Proceed Yes/No prompt would show the No button as 10 times the size of the Yes button.

After the call

After the call and product/service is delivered the user is prompted to record any service issues etc. to feed into others feedback

A recording of the call is available so that any promises made during the call can easily be replayed to the supplier if the service promise was not delivered.

Percentages would probably never be 100% or 0% because even if the company exists there is always a risk that a genunie company is being spoofed and no system is fraudproof

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  1. You have a vivid imagination, Mark. You stipulate no technology limitations, so why not add in a DNA sample taken from the caller (via saliva traces?) and data transmitted to phone of receiver, analysed against all worldwide DNA databases to identify caller, and record and display details. If DNA has criminal records they could also be recorded and displayed.
    All the best, Dick Bollard,"The Fraud Advisor".

  2. Thanks for the comments, and yes why not!

